The PSE Index Series

The PSE index series consists of the PSEi, six sector indices and the All Shares Index. With the exception of the All Shares Index, all these indices are free float-adjusted. 

The PSEi is the main index of the Exchange. It is composed of a fixed basket of 30 companies, whose selection is based on a specific set of criteria. The PSEi measures the relative changes in the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the 30 largest and most active common stocks listed at the PSE. By gauging changes in the stock prices of select listed companies, the PSEi provides a snapshot of the market’s overall condition. The base level of the PSEi was pegged at 1,022.045 points. This was reckoned according to the close of the index on February 28, 1990, which is the PSEi’s base date. The name PSEi was adopted by the Exchange in April 2006. 

In the past, various labels were used to refer to the Exchange’s main index, such as the Phisix and the PSE Composite Index. Sector Indices. To track the performance of specific sectors of the market, the PSE also maintains six sector indices representing each major sector under the industry classification of the Exchange. These indices are the (1) Financials Index; (2) Industrial  Index; (3) Holding Firms Index; (4) Property Index;  (5) Services Index; and (6) Mining & Oil Index. See Policy on Index Management to know more.